PlainID Product Team
Feature Focus

Feature Focus: Asset Context

AUTHOR: PlainID Product Team

Did you know that we recently updated our Authorization APIs to include an Asset Context parameter? This new addition allows you to include either a single Asset Context object or multiple ones in a single request, providing distinct contextual responses for each Asset. This feature enhances the decision-making process to the specific Application's needs.

Key Benefits

  • Optimized Filtering: Gain more refined and adaptable access control, enabling the system to tailor the response based on the contextual Asset or Attributes associated with the Asset.

  • Flexibility and Adaptability: Dynamically adjust access based on the context of each Asset, making it ideal for evolving Environments. 

Check out our article on Working with Asset Context for more information or start exploring our Authorization APIs to try experimenting with the new Asset Context parameter today! 

We’re happy to hear about your experiences with these new features and look forward to hearing more about what you want to see in the Platform.

For more information, visit the PlainID Documentation Portal.

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